Sponsorship & Donations
CHS provides an invaluable therapeutic support service to Belgium’s international expatriate population through its Helpline and its Mental Health Services Centre. CHS is unique in the wide range of work that it undertakes in this community.
Raising money to sustain and develop these services is crucial. Here is how you can help:
We offer annual sponsorship at four different levels: Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze. Sponsors are profiled on our website and receive special mention at CHS events
Contact our office – 02 647 67 80, office@chsbelgium.org – to find out more about this initiative.
The CHS 24/7 Helpline relies on external funding and donations to remain operational. CHS invites you to do your part to help it continue to help every person in Belgium who needs its services. Please donate today.
In cases when a tax deduction is not required: Please make a transfer to the CHS bank account BE83 4388 1352 9115 with a message “Donation”.
Tax efficient donations can be made via the King Baudouin Foundation in Belgium and Myriad USA in the United States, as well as via the Charities Aid Foundation for donors in the U.K.
Donors living in the UK and wanting to benefit from Gift Aid should first contact the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) before making their donations. After a short KYC (Know Your Customer) procedure, CAF will provide the donor with all the instructions to make his/her donation.
Contact: Andrew Fakley – tge@cafonline.org

If you wish to obtain a tax deduction in Belgium, Denmark, France, Luxembourg and The Netherlands: Please make a transfer to the King Baudouin Foundation (KBF) bank account BE10 0000 0000 0404 with a structured message 016/0920/00007, the message identifying the “Friends of CHS fund”. Or click here to make an online donation via the KBF website.
Donors who are taxpayers in Belgium transferring €40 or more to KBF during a calendar year will receive early in the following year a certificate from KBF permitting a tax deduction in Belgium of 45% of the total donated. For taxpayers in the other four countries, the tax implications will follow national rules for donations.
For fund-raising linked to a certain event (marriage, birthdays, etc.) for the benefit of the Fund, KBF has to be notified in advance and a specific code is assigned by KBF to identify each related donation.
If you want to obtain a tax deduction in the US: U.S. donors can also support CHS activities in a tax-efficient way through a contribution to the “American Friends of CHS in Belgium Fund” at Myriad USA. Because Myriad USA is a public charity, within the meaning of Sections 501(c)(3) and 509(a)(1) of the IRC, donors may claim the maximum tax benefits allowed by U.S. tax law for their contributions. If you wish to support CHS, here is how to proceed:
1.) Gifts by check: Make your check payable to Myriad USA, write “American Friends of CHS in Belgium Fund” in the memo section of the check, and send it to Myriad USA, 551 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2400, New York, NY 10176. (See below for an example of the gift form which should accompany the check.)
2.) Gifts by credit card: Click here to make an online donation.
3.) Gifts by wire transfer or to contribute other types of property: Contact Myriad USA by email info@myriadusa.org.
Example of a gift form to be completed by the donor, and returned to Myriad USA together with their check:
“[X] YES! I want to support Community Help Service ASBL through a contribution to the “American Friends of CHS in Belgium Fund” at Myriad USA. Enclosed is my check for:
[ ] $50 [ ] $250 [ ] $500 [ ] $1,000 [ ] Other $__________
I understand that the Board of Directors of Myriad USA is not bound by my designating my contribution for deposit in the American Friends of CHS in Belgium Fund and retains the ultimate control over the use of my contribution. I also understand that this is necessary in order for me to obtain the maximum tax benefits allowed by U.S. tax law for my contribution.
[ ] I wish my gift to remain anonymous. Do not advise the beneficiary of my contact information.
My name: _____________________________ Phone: ____________________________
Signature: _____________________________ Email: _____________________________
A big thank you to all companies, organisations and individuals that support us.